Another World – The Temporal Dimension of Liminality

1383472-1New Readers: The first short story can be found here.
Continuing Readers: who’ve waited forever for an update can click here

COVID happened. I started work from home. Several members of my family died, and some close friends were rocked by a lot of news and a few deaths themselves. It’s been a grueling few years.

Remember those recipe tablets on meals I mentioned in the previous post? I managed to track down two books:

The Oldest Cuisine in the World: Cooking in Mesopotamia

Ancient Mesopotamia Speaks: Highlights of the Yale Babylonian Collection

I’m really excited about the books, and I’m hoping to start cooking the recipes once I’m done with my current projects. One’s an embroidery project that’s long over due and the second is a research paper about ea-Nasir and the Copper Industry in Mesopotamia

I can’t promise I’ll be consistent. COVID is still a thing and my job is still in the medical industry. I’ll try my best to post when I get a chance